Servant Leadership Company Spotlight: WD-40 Understands that Micromanagement Isn’t Scaleable
I believe it is no secret that San Diego is home to one of corporate America’s greatest Servant Leaders, Garry Ridge with WD-40
I believe it is no secret that San Diego is home to one of corporate America’s greatest Servant Leaders, Garry Ridge with WD-40. Yesterday I was fortunate enough to listen to Mr. Ridge speak on leadership to San Diego’s CEO Roundtable. I was kind of hoping for a quick fail-safe tip, however, Mr. Ridge was honest. Leadership is everyday, loads of work, and not about you. The best quote of the evening, “Micro-management isn’t scalable.” He told the group of San Diego CEO’s and decision makers, leadership is about respect, value doing the right thing, and building relationships.
Mr. Ridge also said their company is a like a tribe. While we know their colors, blue, yellow, and a touch of red, now we know their secret to succcess. Their tribal attributes are learning, teaching, sharing everything, celebrating, and even the appreciation for a warrior mentality to come together and survive as a tribe. Everyone inside the company has a voice, shares, and comes to work each day for a common goal. San Diego is lucky to have WD-40 in our backyard.