Why Do I Love Working at McKinney Capital & Advisory?
McKinney is a different company, different culture, than almost every working environment I encounter.
Why McKinney Capital & Advisory?
I’ve been with McKinney Capital & Advisory and its founder, Damian McKinney, for thirteen years.
Why have I been here so long, in a world where we are encouraged to make a change every three or four years to “climb the ladder”?
McKinney is a different company, different culture, than almost every working environment I encounter.
For example, I did not work yesterday in the traditional sense. I spent 12 hours volunteering my time to help a friend with a charitable event close to my heart. In many companies, you may have to use vacation time, or sick time, or even not be able to participate due to workload or company rules.
At McKinney, I am encouraged to give of my time, my talent, and my treasures in any way I am able. I was able to use my monthly 8 hours of paid charitable time to fulfill a personal growth goal.
How many companies support such things in this way?
Not only are my professional goals supported but also my personal goals. If my goal is to spend more time with my kids, I’m encouraged to do so.
If my goal is to join a board of directors for a charity I believe in, McKinney is behind me 100%. If you want to be a part of a company with a truly different way of thinking, check us out! I cannot imagine being anywhere else.
We are family.